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Fresh Tropical Flowers Coming In For Mother’s Day 2013


** UPDATE  5/2/14 – This posting is from 2013 Mother’s Day and is for informational purposes.  Online reservations for Mother’s Day 2014 flowers will go live in the next few days:)


Exotica Tropicals has a shipment of fresh tropical flowers coming in for Mother’s Day (May 12th)

I will have a limited quantity, so I am taking pre-pay reservations via the internet and it will be first come/first serve

I will have them in hand this Friday May 10th- they include true freshly cut tropicals flown in directly from the farm: Big fat Heliconias, Red Gingers, and other assorted tropicals flowers and foliage.
All bundled in a plastic sleeve +flower food for $20 +tax (total=$21)

Mom will be truly impressed! These are the kind of flowers you would see on vacation to Costa Rica, Tahiti, Hawaii, etc. You can put them in a tall vase and they will last for weeks.  Better than roses

These went very fast this past Valentine’s Day, so don’t put it off

Pickup will be Friday and Saturday at Exotica Tropicals Nursery in Indian Harbour Beach- just north of beachside Lowe’s. Normal hours are 9:30am – 1:30 on Fridays and on Saturday I am open til 2pm, but call if you need me to stay later, or meet you.  (Check our contact page for info/map)

See photos below for examples of past bouquets:

(includes container – paypal total with tax =$63 )

Please let me know if you would like a full arrangement.

Some past arrangements  using flowers from the bundles:

Here is some feedback I got from this past Valentine’s Day’s flowers..

“.. set those out in a huge clear vase filled with water and red food coloring. Put em on the counter when I left for work, while my better half was still sleeping. BAM, a home run! Thanks again buddy, DT. “





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